The goal of any survey is to get participants to answer questions. And while you want your questions to be thought-provoking and engaging, unfortunately in doing so you may...
Testing isn’t over just because you’ve completed your schooling. Many industries conduct certification testing prior to hiring employees to assess whether individuals have a baseline level of competency within...
The world is changing and today inclusivity is more important than ever, with groups formerly seen as minorities expected to reach majority status by 2045. But inclusivity isn’t just...
No longer the stuff of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived. However, there are no post-apocalyptic landscapes or homicidal robots; rather, the technology is being used to improve...
Surveys are a great way for companies to learn more about their customers. Because it can be such an effective way of gathering information, more surveys are being conducted...
When it comes to survey questions, you have a whole host of options available to you. Today, types of survey questions go far beyond the traditional yes/no and multiple-choice...