Have you ever received an unexpected survey from a company or organization? More than likely, you had an interaction with them, but to your knowledge, you didn’t agree to...
The dentist-patient relationship can be… complicated. On one hand, everyone knows it’s important to keep their teeth well-maintained. On the other hand, sitting in a chair while someone puts...
“Hey, where you going?” In a nutshell, that’s the gist of an exit intent survey. These online surveys are designed to capture feedback from website visitors who are about...
No company likes to see a customer leave. For one, it’s been drilled into all of us that it costs a lot more to acquire a new customer than...
Ads are inescapable today. They’re on your television, on the radio, on the road, and popping up on your computer or phone. But how effective are they? Is the...
“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” – Bill Gates As this quote shows us, not only was Gates a tech whiz, he...