A note about the mascot
SurveyLegend’s mascot, also known as the Legend, serves as a symbol for our organization. But it cannot officially be used in place of our wordmark or logo. The Legend is a good, kind and happy friend for you to play with; and you can unleash your creativity and make cool and amazing pictures or animations with the Legend. This character does not have any gender, and this is very, very important for us. Don’t refer to the Legend as he or she.
Well, the world is having a hard time choosing a good gender-neutral pronoun… And unfortunately, we are not grammar experts here to the extent that we can give a concrete definition, but we suggest you to use “Zhe” instead of “She” or “He”, when you are referring to the legend. Moreover, use “Zerm”, “Zers” and “Zermself” instead of “Him/Her”, “His/Her”, “Himself/Herself”. Becauz in zis way, zingz becomez muzh better ;) Truzt uz…
Plus… we talk like zis here, zometimez.

And if you want to present zee Legend, here are two different shots to choose from.