Healthcare, Types of Surveys

How To Create a Heathcare Reception Survey Including Benefits & Questions To Ask

We talk a lot about the patient experience in healthcare, which is defined as “the experience of illness or injury and the related interactions with a healthcare organization.” But what about customer service? It can be almost as important. Customer service in healthcare is defined as “the support you offer the people who use your services.” By using a hospital, doctor’s office, or dentist office reception survey, healthcare leaders and administrators can get a better idea of how the facility or organization is perceived by everyone who comes through the door.

What is a Healthcare Reception Survey?

This type of survey is a way to gather feedback and opinions from individuals who have recently interacted with the reception or front desk services at a healthcare facility, such as a hospital or doctor or dental office. The survey is designed to assess the patient or visitor’s satisfaction with the reception area’s efficiency, staff friendliness, communication, and overall experience. These surveys typically include questions about waiting time, courteousness of staff, communication, cleanliness and comfort, efficiency, and overall satisfaction.

The goal of welcome reception surveys is to identify areas for improvement, enhance patient satisfaction, and ensure that the hospital’s reception services meet the needs and expectations of its visitors. The feedback obtained from these surveys can be valuable for hospital administrators and staff to make necessary adjustments and improvements in their services.

7 Benefits of Using Healthcare Reception Survey

Conducting a welcome reception survey at a healthcare facility offers many benefits to organizations. Here are some of the most important benefits.

1. Improving the Visitor and Patient Experience

By gathering feedback directly from patients and visitors, hospitals and physician’s offices can gain insights into their experiences at the reception. This information is invaluable for identifying areas of improvement, enhancing patient satisfaction, and providing a better overall experience. 

2. Identifying Issues and Challenges

Healthcare surveys can help pinpoint specific issues or challenges in the reception process, such as long waiting times, unclear communication, or unfriendly staff. Identifying these issues allows hospitals to address them proactively. Staff feedback can also be used for training purposes and recognizing and rewarding employees who excel at their job.

3. Enhancing Communication

Understanding how well information is communicated at the reception helps hospitals improve their communication strategies. Clear and effective communication is crucial for providing patients with the information they need and reducing confusion or anxiety.

4. Maintaining Reputation

The reputation of any healthcare organization is critical. Positive feedback from patients can contribute to a hospital’s positive reputation. On the other hand, addressing and resolving issues highlighted in surveys helps prevent negative word-of-mouth and maintains trust in the healthcare organization.

5. Ensuring Compliance and Accreditation

Some healthcare accrediting bodies and regulatory agencies may require hospitals to collect and analyze patient feedback as part of their accreditation process. Additionally, the patient and visitor experience can be used to evaluate overall performance of the organization, resulting in financial reward or penalty. Conducting surveys ensures compliance with these standards. 

6. Setting Benchmarks

Healthcare facilities can use survey results to benchmark their reception services against industry standards or similar healthcare institutions. This benchmarking process is just another way to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

7. Improving Decision-Making

The data collected from reception surveys can inform strategic decisions related to resource allocation, process improvements, and the overall enhancement of the patient experience within the hospital.

Questions to Ask on a Healthcare Reception Survey

When creating questions for a hospital reception survey, it’s important to cover key aspects of the patient or visitor experience. Here are some sample questions you might consider:

Wait Time:

  • How satisfied were you with the time at the reception desk?
  • Did you expect to wait a longer or shorter amount of time?

Staff Friendliness and Courtesy:

  • How would you rate the friendliness and courtesy of the reception staff?
  • Did the staff make you feel welcome and comfortable?


  • How clear was the information provided by the reception staff regarding your visit, appointment, or medications?
  • Were your questions or concerns addressed to your satisfaction?


  • How satisfied were you with the efficiency of check-in/check-out?
  • Were the reception staff prompt in assisting you?

Cleanliness and Comfort:

  • How would you rate the cleanliness and comfort of the reception area?
  • Did you feel the reception area was well-maintained?


  • Were the reception desk and information easily accessible?
  • Did you receive assistance if you needed help navigating the reception area (directions or due to disability)?

Information Availability:

  • Were you provided with all the necessary information about your visit, including directions to different departments or facilities?
  • Were educational materials or resources available at the reception?

Overall Satisfaction:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your experience at the hospital reception?
  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to improve the reception services?

Likelihood to Recommend:

  • How likely are you to recommend our hospital based on your reception experience?
  • What factors influenced your decision to recommend or not recommend our hospital?

Suggestions for Improvement:

How and When to Conduct a Healthcare Reception Survey

Choosing the right time to survey patients or visitors is important. Ideally, you want them to complete the survey while they’re visiting and the experience is fresh in their mind. This could be through a written survey or a digital kiosk. You could also display a QR Code that when scanned would allow them to complete an online survey on their mobile device.

Otherwise, be sure to send an online survey via email or text if they have opted in shortly after they have left the facility. You may also consider sending reminders to patients who have not yet completed the survey to improve response rates and thank them for their time.

Lastly, be sure to maintain patient privacy throughout the survey process. Clearly communicate how the data will be used, emphasizing confidentiality and anonymity.

Healthcare Welcome Reception Survey Example

Below is an example of a hospital reception survey created using SurveyLegend. These can be sent online or via text, or presented on an in-facility digital kiosk or tablet. SurveyLegend is extremely secure and uses encryption, giving patients and visitors peace of mind. At the conclusion of the survey, SurveyLegend provides robust analytics so that administrators can report findings in a way that is accessible to hospital administrators and staff. This helps common themes and areas for improvement.

You’ll note we chose a standard blue, as it is a color that conveys trust. The facility’s logo is prominently displayed, and while only a handful of questions are shown, we use different types of survey questions to keep the participant engaged.

Below is the Welcome Page as viewed on a participant’s smartphone, followed by a page of the survey.

Welcome reception survey welcome page


Hospital reception surveys are a valuable tool for continuous improvement, patient-centered care, and maintaining the overall quality and reputation of healthcare services. They also let visitors and patients know that you value their opinion, which will hopefully keep them coming back. With SurveyLegend, you can capture all this valuable data and feedback to make your facility a better, more welcoming place.

Have you participated in a hospital reception survey? Have you ever conducted a survey at your facility? How do you think SurveyLegend can help? Let us know in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is the difference between patient experience and customer service in healthcare?

The patient experience is any interaction a patient has with healthcare staff following an injury or illness. The customer service experience is all about the reception area (check in, check out, cleanliness, courteous staff, and so on.

How can you conduct a healthcare reception survey?

These surveys should be conducted while the patient or visitor is in the reception room or shortly after they have checked out or left so that the experience is fresh in their mind. The best tool for hospital reception surveys is typically digital – sent via email or text, or conducted on a hospital kiosk or tablet. For older patients and visitors who may not be tech savvy a paper survey may also be administered.

How often should you conduct healthcare reception surveys?

This can be an ongoing initiative so that the facility can focus on continuous improvement. An ongoing initiative also leads to better benchmarking, seeing how you’re improving (or falling behind) over time.

About the Author
A born entrepreneur, passionate leader, motivator, great love for UI & UX design, and strong believer in "less is more”. A big advocate of bootstrapping. BS in Logistics Service Management. I don't create company environments, I create family and team environments.