Employee Surveys, Online Survey, Types of Surveys

Understanding Feedback Culture & Creating Feedback Surveys

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”  – Bill Gates As this quote shows us, not only was Gates a tech whiz, he...

Questionnaires, Types of Surveys

How To Create a Follow-up Survey & Questions To Ask

“The fortune is in the follow-up.”  – Jim Rohn Rohn, an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker who passed in 2009, understood the importance of follow-up. He would often...

B2B / B2C, Event, Types of Surveys

How To Create a Successful Webinar Survey & Questions To Ask

Webinars continue to fuel successful marketing initiatives and learning platforms. But not all webinars are created equal. If you’ve attended a virtual event in the past – and it’s 2024,...

Customer Experience, Types of Surveys

What Is A Closed-Loop Survey & Five Steps To Closing The Loop

When we talk about “closing the loop,” we’re not referring to that childhood method of tying shoelaces! In business, closing the loop refers to completing a cycle or ensuring...

Data Types, Research, Types of Surveys

How To Gather Data with a Proper Quantitative Survey in 10 Steps

“Statistics are the triumph of the quantitative method,” wrote 20th century Franco-English writer and historian Hilaire Belloc. Today, acquiring quantitative data is easier than ever using online surveys, a...

Testing Surveys, Types of Surveys

How to Create a Certification Test Using Surveys

Testing isn’t over just because you’ve completed your schooling. Many industries conduct certification testing prior to hiring employees to assess whether individuals have a baseline level of competency within...