Online Survey, Research

New Product Market Research Survey



Why run a new product market research survey?

Knowing what your customers or customers-to-be think of your upcoming product helps you minimize the risk of failure and increases your chance for success.

Running a new product market research survey can be done on anything from office items such as office furniture, office appliances to more complex and big items such as cars or airplanes.

Whatever your product may be, large or small, locally sold or globally, the process to run a new product market research survey stays the same thanks to survey tools like SurveyLegend.

How to create a product market research survey

Creating a product market research survey is easy when you have an expert-certified survey template created for running a new product market research survey. We are one of the few survey and market research providers that offer such a template, making your market research life easier, saving you time and money.

Step by step guide to a successful new product survey:

  • Visit our template viewer for inspiration here: New product market research survey.
  • Involve others in the process of creating such a survey preferably all departments, from marketing, sales, finance to engineering, and even your CEO. Involving them will help you adjust our survey template for your specific need. They have insight into what information they would like to collect with the help of the survey, making their opinion invaluable.
  • If you don’t have the professional resources and expertise to run or create such research consider outsourcing parts of the research. We can also provide expert assistance in creating the survey for you, this we offer as one of our premium feature in our yearly “Legendary” plan. For more information please email us at [eeb_email email=”[email protected]” display=”[email protected]” extra_attrs=”target=’_blank'”] or talk to our amazing support team when they’re available in the LiveChat.
  • Keep the survey short, in our survey example we have 12 questions try keeping it that or even shorter. When using our new product market research survey template for inspiration you will notice that we use many close-ended questions, like single selection, multiple selections, rating, etc. This helps voting go faster in the beginning and makes the survey you created feel fast. Include open-ended questions to allow the respondents to express themselves; you will be surprised how generous your participants can be with great ideas and feedback.
  • When you’re ready with the survey let all departments test and provide feedback, improve if needed. To remove bias let people outside of your company test the survey and provide their opinion, again improve if needed.
  • The sample size of the survey participants should represent your customers and customers to be. This will allow you to see your present and future customers’ opinions, giving you the insight you need to make the right decisions.
  • Now it’s time to analyze all the data collected, we highly recommend using our amazing “Live analytics” page to get an overview of your feedback and use our “Individual responses” page to focus on specific respondent feedback. This allows you to get the best of bought worlds, the overview, and the personal view. For more advanced data analysis you can always export your data as Excel or CSV and import it in your own analysis tool for further data evaluation.

We hope this article helps you in your coming market research and remember if you need our help we are just a phone call, LiveChat, or email away :) We would be honored to help you in your quest for insight.

Stay curious and informed!
Best regards, Jasko

About the Author
Born entrepreneur, passionate leader, motivator, great love for UI & UX design, strong believer in "less is more”. Big advocate of bootstrapping. BS in Logistics Service Management. I don't create company environments, I create family and team environments.