Survey Logic iconEnabling survey logics

By default, when you create a new survey, the survey logics are disabled, because usually forms or questionnaires do not require logics. But in case you are professionally working with research projects, then you will definitely need to activate this feature.

To activate the logics for your questionnaire, while you are on the “Create” step of survey creation click or tap on the “Enable logic” toggle button.

This will add a new step called “Logic”, which is visible in the navigation bar on top, right next to the “Create” step.

If you do not activate the survey logics manually, but while creating the survey use a feature that requires the survey logics to be enabled, our system will automatically activate the “Logic” step.

For example, a normal survey can only have one “Thank You page”, and display it at the end after respondents submit the survey. But if you drag in two Thank You pages into your survey, this would mean that you are planning to show one of them to a certain group of respondents, and the other one to another group of people. Therefore, our system will intelligently enable the logic step for you.

Read more about using Thank You pages, or advantages of having multiple Thank You pages in the same survey.

NEXT: Adding new logic flows