Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Types of Surveys

How to Target a Niche Audience + 10 Niche Survey Considerations

Some surveys are broad in scope, aiming to collect feedback from the most people regardless of their background. Niche audience surveys are a bit more complicated. These types of...

Data Types, Research, Survey Examples

What’s the Difference Between Survey Validity and Survey Reliability?

A conclusion is only as good as the data that informs it. Researchers understand this, so those conducting surveys strive to obtain the most accurate results. This means survey...

Online Survey, Research, Sampling

8 Types of Survey Sampling + Pros & Cons, Errors & Bias, and More

Today, there are about 125 million households in the United States. To help communities and the government understand the direction the country is moving in (and much more), the...

Data Types, Online Survey, Questionnaires, Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Survey Examples

What is Probability Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Data that skews one way or another can lead to bad decisions and incorrect conclusions. Often, data is unreliable because researchers who are unable to survey every member of...

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Survey Examples

What is Non-Probability Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Before any survey can begin, researchers need to consider how they will sample survey participants. Typically, it’s not possible or feasible to survey the entire population of a survey....

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Sampling, Segmentation

What is Quota Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Many types of sampling involve random selection to ensure the sample group is representative of the larger population. Quota sampling turns this notion on its head because it simply...