Data Types, Online Survey, Questionnaires, Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Survey Examples

What is Probability Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Data that skews one way or another can lead to bad decisions and incorrect conclusions. Often, data is unreliable because researchers who are unable to survey every member of...

Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Survey Questions

7 Types of Survey Sampling Errors & How to Avoid Them

 They say to err is human, and this can certainly apply to the surveys we create. A good survey can yield a wealth of valuable data, however, when there...

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Sampling, Segmentation, Survey Examples

What is Non-Probability Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Before any survey can begin, researchers need to consider how they will sample survey participants. Typically, it’s not possible or feasible to survey the entire population of a survey....

Naming, Online Survey, Research, Types of Surveys

12 Ways to Create Email Subject Lines for Surveys (and Improve Email Open Rates)

We’ve all heard the saying, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression,” and it’s true. Forbes reports that within the first seven seconds of meeting,...

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Sampling, Segmentation

What is Quota Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Many types of sampling involve random selection to ensure the sample group is representative of the larger population. Quota sampling turns this notion on its head because it simply...

Branding, Customer Insight, Product Evaluation, Research, Survey Examples

How to Create a Product Naming Survey

We’ve all heard someone describe themselves as “terrible with names.” The same can be true when it comes to naming a product! To arrive at a good product name,...