Online Survey, Picture Survey, Questionnaires, Relationships, Research, Survey Examples, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys

How Relationship Surveys Work & Questions to Ask (with Examples)

Relationships: there’s the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some relationships are rocky, while some are smooth sailing. They may be broken but fixable, or completely beyond repair. Either...

Features, Online Survey, Polls, Questionnaires, Research, Security, Survey Questions

How Online Survey Scams Work and 7 Ways to Spot Them

Are online surveys legit? It’s a fair question. While there are many reputable online survey companies, there are also scammers looking to harm people or businesses in one way...

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys

Are Surveys Quantitative or Qualitative?

Researchers and marketers collecting data through surveys typically break down their results into two different categories: quantitative data and qualitative data. So what is the difference between each form...

Customer Experience, NPS, Online Survey, Research

How to Calculate NPS (+ NPS Examples)

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague? You’ve certainly seen that question before on a survey. It’s a prime example of an NPS question....

Online Survey, Picture Survey, Research

12 Things to Consider on Gen Z Surveys

Generation Z seems to elude a lot of marketers and researchers. For a while, this group was lumped in with Millennials, as they were all seen as young adults....

Branding, Customer Insight, NPS, Online Survey, Research

15 NPS Survey Best Practices You Need to Know

NPS surveys let you know where you stand with customers, but they have to be done right. Here are ten NPS survey best practices.