Create your own Q&A event survey, form, or poll now! Looking for the best live survey solution offered online today? I’ve got the answers! I’m the founder of SurveyLegend...
Our legendary friends! We have been working hard, just like always; and published a lot of improvements in our app. Here is a list of most important highlights that...
Online shopping is big business! In fact, data shows that in 2022, US ecommerce sales will cross $1 trillion. While “clicks” haven’t necessarily replaced “bricks” (many people still shop...
Create your GDPR Compliant survey, form, or poll now! If you are creating forms or surveys for a business which is based in the European Union (EU), or...
Create surveys, forms, and polls for FREE now! If you’re developing a fresh startup, you know that you need a cheap, quick & easy tool that helps you get...
Create surveys, forms, or polls using animated GIFs now! The story of animated GIF images Graphics Interchange Format better known as GIF was developed by a team at...