Online Survey, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys

What is an Artificial Intelligence Survey & Creating AI Survey Questions

No longer the stuff of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived. However, there are no post-apocalyptic landscapes or homicidal robots; rather, the technology is being used to improve...

Features, Image Poll, Likert Scales, NPS, Online Survey, Picture Survey, Polls, Questionnaires, Survey Examples, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys, vote on images

12 Different Types of Survey Questions with Examples

When it comes to survey questions, you have a whole host of options available to you. Today, types of survey questions go far beyond the traditional yes/no and multiple-choice...

Online Survey, Picture Survey, Questionnaires, Relationships, Research, Survey Examples, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys

How Relationship Surveys Work & Questions to Ask (with Examples)

Relationships: there’s the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some relationships are rocky, while some are smooth sailing. They may be broken but fixable, or completely beyond repair. Either...

Features, Online Survey, Survey Examples, Tools

How Do You Create a Matrix Survey? Is There a Better Survey Method?

Have you ever been caught in a matrix? No, not the Keanu Reeves movie. We’re talking about a matrix survey. A matrix survey question – which is really nothing...

B2B / B2C, Image Poll, Online Survey, Picture Survey, Research

7 Differences Between B2B Surveys and B2C Surveys

Most companies market themselves differently to consumers than they do businesses (if they’re not, they’re probably doing something wrong). So, it makes sense that B2C and B2B surveys would...

Customer Insight, Online Survey, Research

Online Survey Market Research Trends for 2022 (+ 7 Survey Considerations)

Online surveys continue to be a powerful tool for market researchers. Of course, they’re also popular with just about anyone else who wants to gauge the pulse of the...